Relaxed, insightful, scientific. Was unsure what to expect, came with an open mind. It was incredibly informative and interesting learning about how our brains work. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helped me with Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression and Confidence Issues.
Thank you Jayne for positively changing my life within the last 17 weeks together. You have helped me achieve even the smallest of steps I didn’t feel were possible only a few months ago.

- WL, June 2024

“Jayne Sarah Therapies is a complete one woman package for your physical and mental wellbeing”
I first met Jayne Sarah in 2017 as a massage therapist when I was living in Bristol. She was great, super knowledgeable and really kind. Instantly making me feel calm and relaxed ahead of a deep tissue massage.
I started seeing Jayne regularly for massage and she provided lots of really helpful advice to improve my muscular aches and pains.
Jayne has a really calming influence and positive mindset. She is really easy to talk to and I found I could talk to her about anything and she would happily listen and help me to rationalise certain thoughts.
At the time I was going through a tricky time adjusting to my new life in Bristol. I had left all my friends and family in Devon to pursue my career options. I also had some longterm anxiety issues around eating certain types of food.
After having a chat around my various food issues, Jayne explained that she also offered Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and I decided I would give it a try. I had not had any previous counselling or talking therapy at this stage and will admit I was skeptical about the benefits of therapy for the mind. I put those skeptical thoughts to one side and went in with an open mind. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with Jayne completely changed my life and my mindset. She helped me to work through a number of social and food related anxieties and helped me build my own mental health tool box for managing my mental health in the longterm. I still use a lot of the things I learned from Jayne to this day and recommend her therapies to as many people as possible.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is based on the science of the mind. Jayne makes it easy is understand what is going on in the brain from a scientific/neurological perspective. This definitely helped me to rationalise a lot of my general anxieties and come up with solutions to resolve the issues. Jayne has a way of getting it all to make sense.
Jayne is now based in Magor and I am so pleased she is back from Maternity Leave! I will definitely be booking in a Deep Tissue Massage in the new year to take away those pesky January blues and winter aches and pains.
If you are looking for any support either Massage Therapy or Solution Focused Therapy, please contact Jayne as you will not be disappointed.

- SD, February 2023

Lost weight, gained confidence, improved health and general wellbeing.
SFH is absolutely amazing, I couldn’t be happier with the results. I cannot thank Jayne enough for the help and support she has given me.
I had gotten to a point in my life where I was overweight and worried about my health, but I had started to accept that that was just me now and I was destined to be bigger. I had tried so many times to lose weight, but nothing seemed to be working. I even had my Thyroid tested and having had normal results come back it was time to cut the excuses.
Jayne really helped me to turn things around, by helping me to see things differently and operating from my intellectual mind I have now lost 2 stone and I couldn’t be happier with the results. It was like something just clicked!
I have a much better relationship with food and the changes that I have made I can sustain as I continue on my journey to being me.
Thank you so much!

- AS, May 2021

“I really wasn’t sure what to expect from hypnotherapy but I had got to a point where anxiety had taken over my life and I had had to take time off work. From the first session with Jayne, I knew that this approach was going to make a difference for me. I wasn’t expected to dredge up negative experiences and pick them apart to try and figure out what was ‘wrong’ with me. This is a far more positive way of approaching things. Jayne explained how the brain works and why what I was experiencing was perfectly normal – I just needed to learn what techniques would help me. Jayne’s approach really resonated with me and I was determined to apply it after each session. I looked forward to my sessions and found it to be a really positive experience with remarkably quick results. After 8 sessions with Jayne, I feel transformed into someone who is no longer ruled by anxiety. I now have the knowledge and skills to deal with life and work challenges rationally.
I can’t recommend Jayne highly enough. If you want to make a change but you are feeling unsure about giving it a try – do contact her. You won’t regret it.”

- MS, May 2021

I initially chose to have Solution Focused Hypnotherapy to reduce my drinking, but it also helped me with Anxiety,
Depression and Addictions.
I was surprised how interesting and useful I found it. It’s really helped me understand how my mind works and how I can use that knowledge to manage my feelings and approaches to things. I feel like I’ve now got a toolkit of tricks that I can use, not only if I feel anxious or angry, but also to find ways to approach difficult things.
After the sessions I was more relaxed and I slept better. I realised I could set up my thinking to achieve things I thought were hard.

- HP, January 2021

Before I met Jayne I was struggling with self harm, anxiety and depression. Now after being with Jayne for 8 sessions I feel confident and able to tackle life head on. Listening to her track at night always put me in a relaxed mood, the sessions were focused on positive things which helped me to divert my attention and appreciate the good things no matter how small or big. The things that troubled me have become less and less troubling in just 2 months! I feel better within myself, I have seen positive changes in myself, I feel good about myself, my self belief and self worth have increased, I feel calmer, happier and I’m loving myself more deeply. I can’t thank Jayne enough for all that she has done for me and mostly for helping me realise that my thoughts are up to me to change and I can control them in order to live a better life! If I could I would give her a big hug but because of the pandemic I can’t 😞
Thank you again Jayne I am so grateful for you and all that you have done for me.

- AA, September 2020

Hypnotherapy with Jayne has been such a positive and life changing experience. I have learnt that it isn’t about worrying about the ‘problem’ I’m having, but that with the tools Jayne has given me, I can reach that positive mindset which allows me to not only solve the ‘problem’, but realise that often it isn’t a problem at all!

As it was often hard for me to travel to have sessions with Jayne in person, I had the majority of my sessions through video chat. Through video chat I still felt that Jayne was in the room with me, which was comforting. Also I found it was nice to be in my own comfortable space when we got to the trance part at the end of our sessions.

I have enjoyed every session with Jayne, after each one feeling positive about making achievable changes. I truly believe Jayne has changed my life; I continue to improve after our sessions with the tools she has given me, feeling happier everyday.

- RL, January 2020

I chose Solution Focused Hypnotherapy because I was trying to find a way out of a complicated emotional and professional situation. I found it a good focus for thinking positively about tasks which I knew were ahead of me but lacked the focus to tackle them. I felt trapped and powerless for many months and unsure about decisions I had made along the way. After the sessions I probably felt a sense of calm and if I thought more positively about issues even potentially negative ones that there was a way forward for me in life.
I didn’t meet Jayne in person. We used Zoom [an online video chat platform, like Skype and Facetime] which worked great.
My life has turned around so much since the initial sessions that it’s hard to believe what’s happened. I’m moving to France to follow my dream and start the next chapter in my life. There’s definitely been a change for the better in my mindset. Problems haven’t disappeared overnight but opportunities have and I’m ready to grab whatever comes my way!

- RE, August 2019

I had Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for anxiety, panic attacks, depression, confidence issues
and insomnia. It was amazing and really helped me. I have become a better person.
Jayne is an amazing person who really helped me through a very tough time in my life. If it wasn’t for Jayne I might not be here now – so a very big thank you.

- RS, August 2019

Hypnotherapy was different to what I expected. More talking & coaching than simply “being hypnotised”, but it was all well explained throughout and my initial natural scepticism was quickly left behind. Jayne helped me address some confidence/anxiety issues, and helped me prepare for a job promotion interview. Jayne was always willing to try and fit me in around my work patterns, and fit me in for a couple of emergency sessions when something bad had happened to help me overcome the situation.
I listen to the relaxation track provided by Jayne most nights. It really helps me (and my wife) get into a deep sleep really quickly, and we both feel much more positive and rejuvenated in the days after we’ve had the track on. It really is noticeable. We’re just more energetic, productive and positive.
Had a couple of ‘eureka’ moments during my time with Jayne about my internal thought processes and how I could easily make myself happier in all aspects of life, rather than focusing on work and home life as separate entities.

- BS, June 2019

Jayne worked with me on my irrational fear of going underwater. I had been absolutely petrified of this since a child and had not been underwater for over 34 years- but after 6 sessions of hypnotherapy with Jayne, I managed to do it (and didn’t think I ever would). I can honestly say that Jayne has changed my life, not only with the phobia but also with how I now deal with everyday stresses and anxiety too. Would highly recommend!

- HB, June 2019

I found Solution Focused Hypnotherapy very helpful in building confidence after a period of anxiety and insomnia. It helped very quickly with my insomnia. Jayne is very good at what she does and has a gentle but helpful way to direct you through the process. I have built up some good tools to help in the future if I feel anxious again. I would highly recommend to anyone who is having a difficult time.
I feel that I have gained control of my thoughts and feel more content and relaxed.

- MB, May 2019

I needed help with my anxiety, and also to overcome my phobia of butterflies.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy was a really positive experience, and I began feeling better very quickly after I began the sessions. I found them very relaxing and enjoyable! After 8 sessions I’ve stopped having anxiety/panic attacks and have learnt how to control and reduce anxiety.

- Anxious Student, December 2018

Jayne provides a great service. She worked with my 10 year old daughter and helped make marked improvements in anxiety and sleep issues. A great, welcoming, child friendly experience. Thoroughly recommend.

- Parent of Hypnotherapy for Children client, December 2018

I have gone from being downtrodden, over anxious, eager to please and exhausted ……. to having a sense of well-being brought about by a new feeling of being in control of my life.

This has been given back to me using a gentle system of talking and hypnosis.
Because of the methods used I feel that I’m the master of my own destiny and I can say that I feel confident and empowered for the first time in years.

It has enhanced my life and of those close to me. They like the new happy and fulfilled person that I’ve become.
When I need to, I use the techniques Jayne showed me and it helps me to get back on track and to put life back into perspective.

- Downtrodden client, July 2018

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy has been a successful, positive and thought provoking experience.
My whole outlook on life has changed. I went to the sessions to help control an addiction and ended up with a new zest for life.
The consultation room in Westbury-on-Trym was Lovely, warm and cozy.
Jayne has the most perfect voice for hypnotherapy. As soon as she starts the session, you just know that all will be well. I am so glad that I plucked up courage to make that first contact to ask for help.

- Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Management, February 2018

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy has helped me with anxiety and managing stresses better. My experience of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy was amazing. It gave me very helpful tools to manage life better. It helped me so much and I would recommend to anyone and already have done.
Since the sessions I’m better at recognising triggers of anxiety and know how to manage these so that I’m better able to function during stressful times. Thanks 🙂

- Hypnotherapy for Stress and Anxiety, February 2018

I had hypnotherapy to deal with my issues about flying but this was extended to deal with general anxiety.
Jayne Sarah was a very calm and soothing presence, who challenged me to confront my issues with flying and helped me cope with life more generally.
Since the sessions I feel calmer overall, have improved confidence, less anxiety and feel better able to deal with day to day life.

- Hypnotherapy for Flying Phobia,

Hypnotherapy with Jayne for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Confidence Issues and Weight Loss surpassed my expectations. I cannot recommend it enough. It has changed my life so much and it’s amazing to live in such a positive place now.
Motivation and Positivity just flooded through me after each session and made feel like I could achieve anything I put my mind to.
Hypno with Jayne is the best thing I’ve done in years. It’s changed my life so much and I cannot thank her enough.

- Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Confidence Issues and Weight Loss, November 2017

I wanted to try to get myself out of the habit of drinking alcohol every evening, to go back to just drinking as an occasional treat at weekends. I wasn’t drinking an awful lot, but I was finding it a challenge to halt the regularity. I wanted to ‘take back control’ and not have it as my master.
Before I had treatment with Jayne, being negative or ignoring my achievements was my default setting. Not any more.
Jayne has a wonderful quality of calm positivity that immediately puts you at your ease… she is completely non judgemental and very skilled at finding ways to unpick what you are telling her and reframe your reflections in positive and encouraging ways. She is quietly determined to help her clients achieve their goals, and I felt a strong sense of confidence in her abilities and knowledge which is extensive, rooted in proven scientific and physiological expertise. As a practitioner she is as skilled at hypnotherapy as she is at massage. I felt a powerful sense of trust and empathy flow between us and I am certain that Jayne demonstrates this same rapport with all her clients. Jayne is especially skilled at the trance element of the sessions – there is not a scrap of artifice or superficiality, she demonstrates absolute integrity which allowed me to easily fall into a state of deep relaxation, something I have never experienced before. Her words are spoken with a soothing delivery, and during the trance I gained a strong sense of confidence – a therapist who is completely in control but governed by absolute respect, trust and professional competence. Working with Jayne exceeded all my expectations, and the sessions were an absolute joy – even when I cried!
To my delight I have found myself able to put myself into deep relaxation using Jayne’s wonderful relaxation track while employing the techniques learned during my sessions. It has helped me control my addictive behaviour and given me skills to help me think positively and steer away from my tendency towards negative forecasting – helping me unearth a positivity that has benefited all aspects of my life, not just my addictive behaviour.

- Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Management, October 2017

Initially I was skeptical as I didn’t really know if hypnotherapy would be able to help with my issues as it wasn’t a phobia or fear that I had always previously thought hypnotherapy was used for.
I was seeking help with Anxiety and Confidence Issues.
I went for my initial consultation and from that first meeting Jayne made me feel at ease and that she understood what I was going through. She also said those magic words, ‘I can help you with this’! Instantly this helped me to feel that I wasn’t going mad. The science and explanation behind it all made sense to me and I felt able to engage with it.
Through the sessions I grew in confidence and it gave me strategies of how I could avoid feeling anxious about irrational things. Listening to the recording as I fell asleep was also a great help to me and gave me some relaxation time. Jayne was great and made me feel comfortable throughout and I’m very thankful to her.
After the sessions I felt relaxed and overall I feel more confident in recognising what is and isn’t rational anxiety. I am also more able to control my irrational feelings and feel more able to assert myself when necessary rather than always taking on responsibility just to make everything alright! I’m also feeling happier and calmer in myself.
Both venues that I attended were well thought out and comfortable and had everything that was needed.
I want to say a massive thank you to Jayne for reaching out to her existing massage clients as without that, I wouldn’t be feeling as good as I do today. The hypnotherapy sessions have helped me a lot and I will continue to use the strategies I have learnt.

- Anxiety and Confidence Issues, October 2017

Seeing Jayne for Hypnotherapy was an enjoyable process. Jayne is lovely and put me immediately at ease. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy gave me techniques to help me cope in stressful situations. I’ve been able to enjoy experiences that I would have previously avoided because they made me feel uncomfortable. The therapy has been very effective and I’m still using the skills that I learned.

- Dealing with Anxiety and Stressful Situations, August 2017

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helped me with Anxiety, Depression and Confidence Issues. I had no expectations when I went into the sessions. I just believed it was something worth trying. Hypnotherapy is truly amazing.
I immediately felt more positive after each session. I’ve learnt how I can get out of a bad way of thinking just by changing my mindset. I gained knowledge of how I got to the negative place I was at, and what I needed to do to overcome my anxiety. It now seems like a distant memory.

- Depression, Anxiety and Confidence Issues, July 2017

The hypnotherapy sessions were interesting, enjoyable and relaxing. I always looked forward to them. Undergoing solution focused hypnotherapy is one of the best things I have done for myself. It has been such a positive and useful experience with a lasting impact. I learnt a lot about how my brain works and why I get anxious and stressed and how I can help myself. After each session I felt very happy, calm and confident. Now for the first time in a long time I can be myself. I am much better at coping with the demands of life and my work performance has gone through the roof! I would highly recommend Jayne as a Hypnotherapy practitioner.

- Work Performance and Stress Management, July 2017

I had Hypnotherapy for my blood and needle phobia. Jayne was great to work with – she has a way of explaining things that makes them really easy to understand. She also isn’t afraid to stop and try another approach if the first try doesn’t work for you.
It was a really interesting experience. It helped me identify the way my brain works when I am in a ‘phobic state’ and why my brain works in the way it does.
After four sessions, I was able to face my phobia head on! I did it!

- Blood and Needle Phobia, June 2017

I attended the session to seek help with understanding and battling an addiction. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy has helped me with Anxiety, Depression, Confidence Issues, Addictions, Stopping Smoking, sleep disorders, Self worth and support.

I was very surprised at how informative and supportive the session was, I took away some very useful information and I believe the session was a success. The 2-hour session was very valuable and meant a lot to me. I experienced clarity and new ways of considering my thoughts and actions and patterns of behaviour.

I was very happy following the session and I would absolutely book another session, I received a professional, personal, thoughtful and engaging service.

- Smoking Cessation, Anxiety, Depression, Confidence Issues, June 2017

I found Solution Focused Hypnotherapy to be a really positive experience. I was very worried about stopping smoking, but really keen to try and succeed – so talking with Jayne has helped me think about how to progress in a positive way. I have not smoked since the session, which is the longest time I have gone without a cigarette in about 15 years. In particular, the one time I was most concerned would be difficult (bedtime) is actually the easiest which has definitely been a hugely positive impact from the session. The biggest and most honest compliment I can give is that I would recommend that anyone should try the technique!

- Quitting Smoking, May 2017

I saw Jayne for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy to help with my phobia of needles. My experience was really great. I felt I learned a lot to help move on past my phobia in a very enabling way.

After the sessions I experienced calmness, ease of being and a sense of controlled response. An ability to separate from panic and for it to be managed.

- Hypnotherapy for Needle Phobia, May 2017

I found the Solution Focused Hypnotherapy very satisfying overall. I found it relaxing and I learned a lot from the experience. I’ve had great results and am now sleeping much better.

I have the ‘tools’ to help me sleep should I need them. I feel less anxious about my old sleep issues and no longer see them as a problem which in turn is helping me.

- Hypnotherapy for Insomnia, May 2017

An interesting and engaging journey in which I felt supported the entire way. I was pleasantly surprised by the progression I made. I was pleased to find that with some thought and practice, I was able to turn times that would have previously been a source of utter frustration, disquiet or apprehension into much more manageable, positive situations. My experience of sleeping has totally changed for the better.

- Hypnotherapy for Stress Reduction and Sleep Improvement, April 2017

Jayne is friendly, understanding and very professional, and I felt very much at ease in her comfortable consulting rooms. I attended with a problem of poor sleeping, going to bed tired and not sleeping, or waking up for no apparent reason in the middle of the night.

She explained to me how the brain processes requests for sleep, and how to encourage the right type of sleep, and this adjusted my sleep patterns to allow me good nights rest for the first time in many months.

I have had several hypnotherapy sessions with Jayne, a relaxing hour, where I can drift into a peaceful trance, where my brain can process problems and to seek out the positive solutions.

- Hypnotherapy for Sleep Issues, March 2017